2015 is finally in full swing, and if you’re planning your Big Wedding Day this year, then why not give me a call?! I’m currently spending up to four hours per day in the office, speaking to potential clients from all over the UK, helping them to plan their perfect wedding reception disco entertainment.
With the advent of so much hands-on cheap technology now flooding the market, there has been a significant increase in the number of ‘mobile DJs’ advertising their services on the internet….it’s so easy nowadays to walk into Maplins in your local high street and walk out with a budget DJ rig….but the one thing these stores cannot sell is experience and talent! I have been DJing at a very high level since 1989, amassing a huge (legal!) music collection along the way, not to mention vast experience in almost every situation, and genuinely a wedding reception specialist DJ.
So, please just make sure you know what kind of DJ you’re booking for your wedding reception. When something is so cheap and sounds too good to be true….well….you know the rest!
Have a wonderful 2015