Without a shadow of a doubt, our charity gig alongside the wonderful Columbia coverband on Good Friday was simply stunning, and the best one yet! From a technical point of view I was responsible for not only the DJing side of things, but computer-controlled stage lighting and the awesome sound system. As if this wasn’t cool enough, I was joined by my video DJ colleague, Jon Holder, who supplied the brilliant backdrop video screen with live camera feed and bespoke graphics!
We received some very generous donations from local businesses and individuals for our raffle, and we raised over £100 alone on the ‘name-the-absolutely-ridiculously-large-teddy’ competition!
But once again, Columbia were the main attraction and they were fantastic! With over 200 people in attendance, the Orsett Hall truly rocked this Easter! Please see the video below for a small taster of the action.
In total, we raised a very creditable £1,350 for the Macmillan nurses and all the wonderful staff that do so much to comfort those in need of support during treatment.
If you would like to book the band for your event, please use the Contact Page today.