……Sunday night once again, so time for a quick blog update.
What a truly awesome night at Orsett Hall hotel on Friday, where we launched our first ever Friday Night Live. Columbia were our main act, and as always they blew the roof off, leaving the assembled mass gasping for more and immediately demanding a return visit for the five-piece coverband. Well…….talks are already underway for the second Friday Night Live at the end of October. Watch this space!
On a slightly sadder note, last night saw my final gig as the main resident DJ at The Manor hotel in Rainham. Limited finances have meant that the hotel can no longer afford us, and since we gave our notice to quit, they’ve drafted in a lower-level replacement with alledgedly only pub and social club experience. Shame…..it’s a lovely small venue and we enjoyed over three years of gigging their functions.
Well, time for bed (yawn)…….